News & Events

Semester Two Exam Schedule

Tuesday, June 4th through Friday, June 7th: Exams – NOON Dismissal for all students
The exam schedule begins on Tuesday, June 4th. CPS dismisses at NOON each day. Please note the schedule, below. God’s blessings to you as you prepare to show what you know! 

Exam TimeTuesday, June 4Wednesday, June 5Thursday, June 6Friday, June 7
8:05 am - 8:25 amAdvisoryAdvisoryAdvisoryAdvisory
8:30 am - 10:00 amSocial Studies Science Math English
10:00 am - 10:30 amBreakBreakBreakBreak
10:30 am -12:00 pmReligion Foreign Language I, Music Appreciation, & Physics Foreign Language  II-V & Intro to PythonMake-ups & conflicts

  1. If there is no exam administered for a course, the student is not required to attend that exam session. 
  2. Once a student arrives on campus, he/she must remain until the completion of his/her last exam for the day. Students may not leave campus between exams. 
  3. If a student is on campus but does not have an exam, he/she must be in the cafeteria at all times. 
  4. If a student arrives late to an exam, he/she will not receive extra time to complete the exam.
  5. Students will stay in their exam room until the completion of the exam period. Students may bring something to read or study should they finish early. 
  6. Students will follow CPS dress code guidelines to be granted entrance to the exam. A dress code violation will be considered an unexcused absence, and the student will not be admitted until the violation is corrected. All missed exam time is considered unexcused. 
  7. Any request to change an exam schedule will be granted only under extreme circumstances and must be approved by the course instructor and the Upper School Principal. 
  8. All electronic devices that students bring into the exam room will be collected by the exam proctor before the beginning of the exam and will be returned at the end of the exam period. 
  9. It is the sole responsibility of the student to provide appropriate and allowed materials (pens, pencils, calculators, etc.) Translators for international students must be in “airplane” mode. Phone translators are not allowed.
Monday, June 3rd: 2:55 p.m. dismissal (Day 0 Chapel Schedule)

Tuesday, June 4th through Friday, June 7th: Exams – 12:00 p.m. (NOON) Dismissal for all students 

IF CONCORDIA PREPARATORY SCHOOL IS DELAYED 1 or 2 hours, the schedule will begin at 11:00 and end at 3:00. If exam days are lost to inclement weather, the order of the schedule will be followed on the next day(s) that school meets.  Summer Break begins at 12:00 p.m. on Friday, June 7th, 2024.  Semester report cards will be available via OnCampus on June 14, 2024. 